Fast Fibre update
28 June 2024
Ultrafast fibre is here!
From today, a part of Long Bredy has the availabiity of a fibre connection (FTTP) direct to the home and this will grow over the coming weeks as BT rolls out fibre everywhere.
At present, we understand it is available to homes between Corner Cottage and The Old Surgery/Manor Farmhouse.
There are issues with two of the existing poles which is delaying provisioning to the south, down the village, but this expected to be resolved very soon.
Contact your current broadband supplier if you are interested in switching to a fibre connection.
St Peter’s Church – update
Following the recent discovery of falling plaster from western end wall, the affected area has been cordoned off. This will allow access to the main body of the church, and the resumption of usual church services.
Fast Fibre update
14 March 2024
Our last update informed you that Openreach planned to make full fibre available to the Long Bredy and the Litton Cheney area in early Spring, with the suggestion that April might be that starting point. Openreach have now informed us that whilst they remain hopeful of meeting their provisional promise, in order to do so it is contingent on the smooth installation of the fibre cables. This involves a considerable amount of pole work and, in some cases, replacement of old poles. In places where poles cannot be used for whatever reason, it may be necessary to dig up the road necessitating long delays and disruption. We would therefore ask that everyone in our collective communities do everything they can to facilitate the work of Openreach as they work their way around the villages installing full-fibre. Please bear in mind that although you might be able to exist without full fibre, there are many others in our community who have extremely bad connectivity. Full fibre will bring them much relief, and for the rest of us it will not only bring us superfast broadband but also a system that is future proofed and can be far more easily maintained.
2023 Village Spring Clean
Long Bredy & Kingston Russell Parish Council will be holding the annual Village Spring Clean on Saturday 11th March 2023 Not only does this help to keep our village looking lovely, but it is also a great fun event and a good chance to meet up with neighbours and make new acquaintances.
We will meet at the Village Hall at 10am. Wear stout shoes or wellington boots, warm (and waterproof!) clothing, and if you have one a high visibility jacket or vest. Children are very welcome, and indeed encouraged, but due to the nature of the event, they must be supervised by a responsible adult. The roads through the village remain open to traffic during the event.
If we have a good turn out, the clean-up will only take a couple of hours, and will be rewarded by light refreshments in the warm and welcoming Village Hall.
Parish Council:
Playing Field Update
The playing field is now open. Please see full safe practice advice on the Playing Field page.
Help slow the spread of #COVID19 and identify at risk cases sooner by self-reporting your symptoms daily, even if you feel well. Download the app
Delivery of essential groceries
As a result of social distancing surrounding villages are discussing the option of having Dorset Community Transport collect pre ordered and paid for groceries from local outlets, such as Washingpool Farm Shop, and deliver them. The idea is in the early discussion stage and no firm plans are in place.
The purpose of this message is to ascertain if there is any interest in Long Bredy and Kingston Russel in taking part in and making use of this service. If you think you would make use of this delivery service can you let The Parish Clerk know on or 01308 482647.
For advice from the Parish Council on Covid-19, please go to the dedicated Covid-19 page for links to the most current information.
We are sure you will all agree that at this present time we are facing exceptional difficulties in unchartered waters. As a community we are needing to support each other in many ways.
Therefore with this in mind we propose to set up a network of help for everyone.
The elderly of the village and those unwell who are required to self-isolate may need help. This may include shopping, collecting medicines, chatting by phone or email to help prevent social isolation, posting letters, maybe dog walking or some other form of help not specified here.
If you are already looking out for someone or you feel you could be part of a network please do let us know. The more people in the network means the better we can help those that need it. You will not sign yourself up for lots of work, we will not ask you to put yourself in a compromising position and if you felt unhappy with a task, someone else can undertake it.
If you are having to self-isolate please let us know. We can contact you to check all is well and if you need help we will do our best to help where necessary.
With the progress of the virus we know the network will ebb and flow with those willing to help who may become infected and then may need help themselves. Likewise you may come to the end of self-isolation and feel able to help others. E-mailing and phone calls can be undertaken by anyone.
Please contact:
Gwen 01308 482270
Ruth 01308 482562
Jackie 01308 482379
Vacancy for a Parish Councillor – November 2019
For more details, see Parish Council News page.
Dorset Alert
Dorset Alert is a new website available anywhere in Dorset and provides access to messaging and information reporting facilities. It is a free service that enables residents of Dorset to engage with Dorset Police and the many varied Watch schemes that are run in the county. For full details and a link to the Dorset Alert website, go to the Community page.
Auction of Promises.
The Long Bredy & Kingston Russell Parish Council were delighted with the success of the recent Auction of Promises. There was a great turn out at the White Horse Inn and people bid generously on some fantastic lots. The council are extremely grateful to all those who provided lots and to everyone who bid for them. Special thanks go to Andrew Bailey, our auctioneer and to Jamie, Pete and their team at the White Horse who provided the venue and hospitality. An incredible £2380 was raised on the night and this, together with money raised at April’s Race Night, will go a long way towards the purchase and installation of a Birds Nest Swing for the Playing Field. This will greatly enhance this local amenity and hopefully provide much enjoyment to those who use it.
Long Bredy & Kingston Russell Parish Council have received reports of dog fouling in the Playing Field in Long Bredy. The Playing Field is a popular and much appreciated community resource used by many families and children. The Parish Council do not wish to discourage dog walkers from using the Playing Field but would remind dog owners of their responsibility to pick up and dispose of dog mess. Keeping the Playing Field clean and free from mess will benefit the whole community and will ensure that it remains a pleasant place to visit.
Incidents involving large goods vehicles
Villagers will be aware that large goods vehicles travel through the village on a daily basis, en route to and from the cheese factory at Ashley Chase. On occasion, vehicles meet head to head and find it difficult to manouvre out of the situation. If you witness such an impasse, the manager at the cheese factory has asked that it be reported to them at the time, so that they can take action to address the issue and seek to advise the drivers how to avoid it in the future.
The number to call is:
01308 482580 during office hours
07974 215148 out of office hours
Superfast Broadband is coming to Long Bredy!
The new green cabinet serving Long Bredy residents with high speed broadband is situated near the entrance to Sands Farm. In the not too distant future this will go live. Please check for updates or register to be kept informed on progress.
Unfortunately, there are some residents within the parishes of Kingston Russell and Long Bredy who are not in any of the plans for superfast broadband . If you are one of these residents and are receiving less that 2Mbps, you might be eligible to apply for the Better Broadband Subsidy Scheme. This scheme provides residents with a subsidy towards the cost of installation of wireless or satellite broadband. You will be able to find more information about applying for the scheme on the website:
Table Tennis
Long Bredy Village Hall now has a table tennis table. The hope is to organise some games, and even coaching if we have enough participants of secondary school age and older. We are especially keen to persuade adult new-comers to give it a try!
Please contact so that we can organise a time to meet.
The Long Bredy Summer Event Review